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Why marketers prefer video marketing in the marketing

video marketing

The use of video has spread greatly in the past period as a type of content marketing, and the truth is that video marketing is one of the most effective and influential methods of marketing in communicating information.

Using this type of marketing enables you to communicate information more and faster than any other means such as articles and social media posts.

We note that the YouTube platform, as the platform for this type of content, is the second-largest search engine after the Google search engine, and this indicates the importance of video marketing.

What is video marketing?

It is a type of digital marketing, in which interest has emerged due to its impact and effectiveness in influencing the customer’s decision in the purchase process.

Video is a type of marketing with visual content, which helps you deliver information faster than any other type. Information that can be presented in a long article, for example, can be presented in seconds through the video.

The importance of developing video marketing strategies as a result of the huge number of views and interaction with this type significantly.

The importance of marketing through video

  • Video is the fastest and most effective type of content in conveying information, so the use of this type in promotion is necessary and important, and greatly increases the process of interaction between you and your customers.
  • The most popular type of content and more exposure means more sales if targeting the right way.
  • Increase awareness of your brand.
  • Building a strong relationship between you and your customer and increasing trust in you.
  • Increase visitor traffic on your website.
  • The user prefers watching a video explaining the product to reading about it.
  • The YouTube platform that specializes in this type of content is the second largest search engine in the world after Google, and it witnesses millions of views daily.

Advantages of video marketing

  • Using this type of marketing makes you gain more trust and credibility for your customers.
  • Promoting your products with video is one of the shortest ways to communicate information, that is, the easiest for the customer.
  • Video promotion increases your brand awareness.
  • Contribute to increasing your fan base.

Types of video marketing

There are many types of this type of content, the most important of which are:

1. Company promotional video

It aims to clarify the history of the company, introduce it, and the services or products it offers.

2. educational video

Its purpose is to clarify educational materials for a specific field in which a specific group is addressed to educate them or raise their awareness.

3. Interviews with experts

It means filming a video for a certain period of time of a dialogue between an interlocutor and an expert in one of the fields.

4. Live broadcast

It is a dialogue to discuss a topic with the audience.

5. Events video

It means shooting a video of a specific event, such as conferences, speeches, or any important event.

The perfect way to make a professional video

There are several steps to consider to make a professional video:

1. market study

One of the things that must be taken into account before starting to make a video is to study the market well, to know the competitors and how they use the video, to know the most interactive video that customers like, and to know the target group to determine the appropriate method and tone for them.

2. Scenario preparation

After studying the market well, the goals that you want to achieve from the use of video marketing are set, then an introduction is made in which you explain who you are and what you offer and highlight your identity and brand, and then you list the video content that you want to provide.

3. Review

After studying and choosing the appropriate method and dialect, writing the script, and narrating the content, you review the entire content for modification on any line that may exist and then use the appropriate program.

4. Publishing

After the video is ready and reviewed more than once, we go through the publishing process.

Where do you post the video?

There are many platforms you can use to promote, including:

1. social media platforms

There are many social media platforms that you can use that help you promote effectively, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube…. etc.

2. website

You can put a promotional video for your company in which you talk about the name of the company, its history, and the services it provides, which are very important in the process of search engine optimization.

3. E-mail

You can promote your video through emails, which is a good way to increase click-through.

The importance of advertising on YouTube

  • YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google.
  • The ability to target potential customers accurately.
  • The YouTube platform sees millions of views on a daily basis.
  • Increase the number of visitors to your website.
  • Increase awareness of your brand.

Tips when using video marketing

  • It is preferable to provide valuable content to encourage viewers to participate.
  • Pay attention to the first 10 seconds of the video, which influences the customer’s decision to complete the video.
  • Pay attention to the elements of suspense.
  • Use search engine criteria for the video to appear in the first results.
  • Use the specific dialect of the target audience.
  • Review more than once before publishing.


Video marketing is the most effective and effective type, and you should pay attention to it because it helps you increase your sales and increase awareness of your brand.

You should pay attention to the content you provide and take into account the elements of interest, as well as pay attention to the criteria for issuing search results.

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