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mobile application and device platform

mobile application and device platform

There are many types of mobile application and device platform that are created through programming languages, as during the last five years something closer to the revolution has occurred!!

But it is a unique revolution as it was embodied in the widespread use of smart device applications, and those applications were able to achieve overwhelming success, Dear reader, in this article you will learn about all kinds of mobile application and device platform, the importance of these applications in life tasks, and a lot about them.

How many types of mobile applications are there?

In the era of technology, it has become difficult to access and identify all the mobile application and device platform that are designed, as the number of these applications has reached an immeasurable number, As there are many types of electronic applications that are downloaded to smartphones by the store and used by many users around the world. And among the most important of mobile application and device platform are the following:

design your mobile application

1-Social networking applications

This type is one of the most important types of software applications that everyone uses, and the idea of these applications depends on linking individuals at anytime and anywhere with these simple-to-use applications, And when talking about applications that convey the benefits of social networking sites, we cannot neglect to mention the most important applications that revolutionized the world of social networking applications, which are Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, Telegram

2-E-purchase applications

This type of application is very similar to the commercial market through which all kinds of products and commodities are displayed, On the other hand, everyone who has such a mobile application and device platform on his mobile phone can access it and see all the modern products that have been issued recently.

Through the electronic store applications, you can always see what is new in the local and international markets, And you can also obtain products and request their purchase from sellers and merchants without any need to travel long distances in order to learn about products and prices.

3-Newsletters applications

Many web design companies, with their programmers working for them, have developed many types of electronic news applications that are used in order to obtain the latest international sports news, Or economic or political, and get acquainted with all the emerging matters in all parts of the world, And then these mobile application and device platform have become a substitute for the television screen that people used to spend many, many hours in front of them in order to learn about world news.

4-Games and entertainment applications

Entertainment electronic applications are characterized by a large presence among users due to their attractive designs, which is an important stage in the development of electronic applications, As these applications were used in order to achieve financial gains directly by selling them, and also indirectly through marketing through them to increase awareness of a brand.

5-Service applications

This type is one of the types that have been customized and designed to achieve the interest of companies, And institutions that may be used by one of the types of digital content management systems, including applications for banks and service institutions.

Through which a person or user can complete all financial procedures and transactions, and can also identify the financial balance he owns, There are also, for example, mobile application and device platform for tourism companies that enable the user to make reservations directly and then pay electronically after that, which contributes to saving a lot of time and effort.

The Lifecycle for Mobile Application Development

According to tech village, The basic web programming and development technologies consist of 3 programming languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These programming languages ​​are essential for developing mobile application and device platform:

1-HTML: Known as Hypertext Markup Language, it is used to create website pages and include content such as: images, texts, paragraphs, lists, and tables.

2-CSS: The CSS programming language is used to format the contents of mobile application and device platform, through the ability to control page shape, colors, fonts, and dimensions, It enables you to design responsive websites with different devices, so that the website design changes to suit the screen size on which it is displayed.

3-JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create mobile application and device platform pages and is a stand-alone language developed in Netscape, t makes the web page dynamic and adds special effects to the pages such as scrolling, playback, and many other things, It is mostly used by all websites and it supports Open PDF documents, launch widgets, support flash applications, etc. It can also load content in a document whenever a user requests it without reloading the entire page.

Front-End for The Mobile Application

The part of the mobile application and device platform that the user interacts with directly is called the front end, It includes everything users experience firsthand: text colors and styles, images, charts and tables, buttons, colors, and menu navigation.

The structure, design, behavior, and content of everything seen on browser screens when websites, web apps, or mobile apps are opened is implemented by front-end developers. Responsiveness and performance are two main front-end goals.

The developer must also take into account the arrangement of the site, i.e. it appears correctly on devices of all sizes, and no part of the site should behave unnaturally regardless of screen size.

Back-End for The Mobile Application

Backend is the server side of the mobile application and device platform. It stores and organizes the data, and also makes sure that everything on the client side of the site works well.

It is a part of the software that does not communicate directly with users. The parts and features developed by the back-end designer are indirectly assessed by the user through the front-end application.

Activities such as writing APIs, building libraries, and working with system components without user interfaces or even scientific programming systems are also included in the backend.

How to program a mobile application and device platform?

It is worth noting that there are many types of phone applications, and the programming of any application depends on its type, so you can review the types that we mentioned earlier so that you can produce an application with high capabilities.

design your mobile application


In conclusion, there are many mobile application and device platform currently deployed, in connection with our increasing use of modern technology, so we shed light in our article on the basics of application programming and what programming languages are used in the process of developing web applications.


What are the types of Mobile Application Services?

We would like to point out that we provide all services related to mobile applications within tech village, such as programming mobile applications.


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