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Why Real Estate Website design is very important ?

Real Estate Website

In 2020, 69% of real estate companies have a website. With the current pandemic, more and more real estate owners are turning to the Internet.

To be able to build a real estate website becomes an effective factor in the market. Undoubtedly, the real estate industry has always been an attractive area for the implementation of business ideas.

Now, it is faster and more convenient for customers to search multiple properties. In 2020, more than 97% of home buyers will look for their favourite properties through real estate websites.

Real Estate Website is the main gate to buy a house

The number of people visiting real estate websites has increased by 120 million times, and the number of unique visitors to each website has exceeded 36 million. In this article, we will introduce how to create a real estate website to stay ahead of business competition. Online real estate market the real estate market has been booming for many years. The indicators have been growing.

In 2020, 98% of real estate sellers use real estate websites, and most real estate buyers search for real estate online. Why create a real estate website in an era dominated by the Internet, a real estate website is simply a must. In addition, the construction of real estate land also has many benefits for enterprises. These are the main ones: Make it easy for your customers to access real estate information, photos, and their location at any time. Owning an RE site can create an online presence for your business.

More customers millennials are the number one group who buy real estate online. Studies have shown that millennials prefer to search for real estate online rather than to a real estate agency.

This is a huge advantage for you because once you create a real estate website, you will be able to reach a whole new group of buyers.

Why Real Estate Website design is very important

1- Save time

No need to meet and waste time in traffic. The Real Estate Website should have completed real estate information, perfect real estate photos, and sometimes even a 360-degree view of the real estate. You can communicate with customers via online web forms or emails at any time. It is best to keep in touch with them.

The National Association of Realtors reports that more than 90% of home buyers browse the real estate market online to test the waters. Your online real estate directory, real estate listing or market is used to establish a solid business relationship and Build credibility.

2-Make meeting so easy

When meeting clients in person, real estate agents instinctively act in a trust-building manner. If you plan to attract customers online, your website should do this for you.

For real estate business owners, it is essential to have an online image that is flawless in work and perfect in appearance. We have compiled a must-have list of excellent real estate websites.

Most important elements in Real Estate Website design

if you want to create a Real Estate Website, we want to inspire you and show you some examples of the best real estate portals. Some of them are used as directories where you can search for properties, while others are agency types:

  • real-time search

We put it first because a quick and easy search is essential for any Real Estate Website. Visiting their website, they want to find properties that meet specific requirements, such as community, housing type, price range, number of bathrooms, square feet, etc. You can meet your needs by adding extensive search filters, but don’t be too enthusiastic about the search criteria.

Allow users to select only the necessary options, and pay attention to clear and comprehensive filters to make searching easy and provide the best user experience.

  • Property images High-resolution

Professional images are a key factor for a successful real estate website. In order to attract their attention and attract them to rent or buy, you must fully demonstrate your property options. At this point, turn to a professional photographer.

  • The mobile-friendly design

It ensures that your website looks perfect on any screen size and device. As more and more web traffic comes from smartphones, the use of mobile-first methods in web design has become a mandatory requirement. For mobile web audiences, they not only must enjoy the beauty of the online catalog but also enjoy its performance: overall loading time, intuitive navigation, comprehensive site map, one-click call-to-action, etc.

Types of real estate websites

The digitalization of real estate sales began with promotional websites. The online property industry has merged with more business models, and today’s online business market provides more opportunities. This is a considerable driving force for various commercial marketing strategies. You must choose the best option for your web platform.

1- Propaganda Real Estate Website

When the digital age began to flourish, many real estate agencies began to create a real estate website where they could promote their company, issue real estate quotations, and organize inquiries. This type of real estate website has hardly changed. The only thing that has changed is the use of UI and UX design. Through UI and UX design, promotional websites have become easier to use and navigate. To get the best business results, your website design should be suitable for mobile devices.

2- Real estate listing Real Estate Website

A real estate listing website is a platform where customers can find houses for sale or rent. Unlike the real estate market, real estate listing websites usually do not provide the ability to list real estate without an agent. The real estate listing website is the first website that allows multiple agents to list real estate, not just a real estate agent working with one company.

3-Property management Real Estate Website

The property management website is a website where owners can:

  • manage their properties and customers (such as tenants or buyers), make payments at the automatic clearing house,
  • manage their accounting plans, tenant selection, and provide logins for tenants and landlords. You can focus on residential and commercial properties.
  • This type of real estate website has many characteristics.

If you want to create your own property website to manage your property, please try to include the following functions: accounting, reporting, a system for monitoring rent payment, property maintenance, automatic policy tracking insurance, etc.

4- Real estate investment Real Estate Website

You should know that real estate is still one of the best business investment options. It provides investors with passive income and is relatively a reliable long-term investment. This view makes the sphere attractive to many people. No wonder the demand for online real estate investment platforms continues to grow. (Such as tenants or buyers)

  • make payments at the automatic clearing house
  • manage their accounting plans, tenant selection, and provide logins for tenants and landlords.
  • You can focus on residential and commercial properties.
  • This type of real estate website has many characteristics.

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